Today marked the first day of chemo. When Jason dropped me off I had a flashback to when my mom use to drop me off for the first day of school. That same nervous feeling but having to be a big girl and make the walk by yourself into the building. Jason would have gone with me but we were trying to get all of the kids situated where they need to be. Something the Gressman household is not use to as they are with me 90% of the time.
I was the first one in the office and so it gave me some ample time to read my bible. God just really spoke to me, reassured me that I was on the right path and showed me his mercy and love for the millionth time. You just have to love him. I will share more on His revelation to me later.
I went back to the chemo room and was told that it was going to take around 4 hours! I had no idea it would take that long. It then stretched into 6 hours. I had no idea being a patient would be a full time job!
The med's that they gave me did make me sleepy so I was able to take a couple of naps during that time. I cannot remember the last time I just sat in one spot and did nothing for that many hours.
I did meet a lovely lady today. She has Hodgkin's as well, is just slightly ahead of me in her staging, and a month ahead of me in treatments. Such a gift from God she was today. I was able to ask her so many questions. My treatment is very different than someone who has breast cancer or other types of cancer so it was just so nice to talk with someone who has what I have.
How I am Feeling:
Not going to lie to you, I am tired. Jason is home and is taking great care of me. I am excited to get my "helping hands" in place. I have received so many offers of help it has just been amazing. I am actually excited to have some of my friends over to just visit with.
Please pray that the chemo does what it is suppose to do and that not too many of my good cells are damaged in the process.
Thank you all for reading! I hope this finds you all happy and healthy.
Love you all!
So thankful that God sent you a kindred spirit today. What a blessing. Praying you rest well.