I'm not pregnant.
I know someone out there went there.
Yeah, you know who you are.
(Jason, you can start breathing again. :-)
I have a secret and I want to tell you so badly.
But I can't.
Not yet.
But soon.
I am so excited about this new adventure in my life.
It may not be that exciting to some but to me...
Well, it is a pretty big deal.
I have been planning this for over a year.
Probably longer if I really thought about it as the past 2 years have been kind of a blur.
But, I just wanted to plant this little seed...
And because I am just so excited... I wanted to share my excitement.
Even though I can't tell you what it is.
So, keep checking back.
Oh, my blog has been banned from Facebook again.
For the SECOND time.
Evidently, my blog posts are just too hard core for the average person on Facebook to take.
I know, I know.
I need to tone it down.
But what can you do...
Anyway, if you want to keep up...
and if you were following my blog through Facebook...
you will have to pick a different method.
You can follow by email - look to the right over there (but don't forget to confirm - lots of people enter their email address and then don't confirm so it just sits there inactivated. How sad. :-(
-or- you can hit the little follow button. :-)
Happy Wednesday!
Oh, because I feel kind of bad about not telling you my secret yet, I posted this super cute photo of my boy to enjoy. Love this little man! This is a sneak peek of my next post. :-)
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